Frequently Asked Questions
Got a few things on your mind, perhaps the answer is below:
What is Yeastern Cape Brew Club?
We are a group of individuals who really enjoy making our own beer (home brewing/ craft brew). We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the German Club in Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. We discuss everything from beer basics, to more complex brews. This is for the most beerginners through to the beer masters. Come join us!
I'd love to start brewing my own beer, where do I begin?
A great source of info for anyone interested in home brewing is John Palmer's book, "How to Brew" you can download it here. And also visit one of our club meetings, there are decades of experience and a wealth of knowlegde between us all.
There is alot of beer terminology, what does it all mean?
It's not half as confusing as it looks, in fact it is pretty simple. John Palmer has a great glossary of homebrewing terms, which you can view by clicking here.